Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Shoot me...


I haven't slept in two days. I only slept about 18 hours all of last week - and 14 of it was on the weekend. The APT is in full swing, and I have to complete 9 credits worth of coursework before February 14th, the day of my final. (Yes, yes, a lovely present from the Department... ha, ha, ha...)

And what do I say about all this?


Actually, perpetual exhaustion aside, this term is wonderful. I'm actually getting to do stuff that will inform decisions I'll be making in the classroom, where I go to teach February 20th. In High Level. Hmmm... more on that later.

We're learning how to take entire novels and break them down into unit plans; how to introduce poetry without seeing our students eyes glaze over and jaws go slack, how to create assignments other than just "The Essay", and, oh yeah, also how to teach "The Essay". It's exhausting, but there's so much going on in that classroom all day, every day, that no matter how tired I am when I start my 90 minute trek to school (see Why I Hate the Edmonton Transit System), by the time I get into class I'm pumped and ready to go. It's funny, actually; eight days ago, looking at the mountain of reading I was expected to do on top of the mountain of writing I was expected to do in addition to spending an average 4 hours per day in transit and working 19 hours a week, I actually considered dropping out. I am so tired. But I'm also so close, and just a few more weeks and I'll be out the other side, ready to.. well, take two more courses, actually, but THEN I'll be ready to teach! And even get PAID for it! w00t!

Anyways, about that High Level thing. Looks like that's where I'll be doing my practicum; it has been officially confirmed. I'm having some trepidation over it, actually, since I spoke to my niece (a student at the school I've been placed at) and told her the name of the teacher I've been assigned to work with, and her response was a very dubious "Oh. Well, good luck with that." Now, bear in mind she's thirteen and significantly more headstrong than most 13-year-olds, so it's not exactly an informed opinion on her part. Still, if she's had less-than-stellar interactions with this teacher, I'm a bit nervous that perhaps the teacher will come into our professional term together with some pre-formed notions about me that may not be the most advantageous for me.

Huh, my sentence structure is really struggling today. Think I'd better sign off and have a nap.

More next time I actually have a few minutes to myself without a deadline hanging over my head!


Blogger KojiroMusashi said...

Congrats with the officialities! If I remember correctly, H.L. was the place you were really hoping to get on with for the Practicum.

Hope things are well on your side of the West (and can a direction actually HAVE sides?...inquiring and woefully under-engaged minds want to know). Keep an eye out for an update on my page :)

February 05, 2007 7:24 PM


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