Thursday, November 09, 2006

Okay, okay...

I KNOW I haven't been updating for a while. I've been busy, people! Having said that, however, I do apologize. It's actually been a combination of rampant busy-ness and difficulties accessing a computer - my home machine is not, sadly, up to the task of blogging. I am, however, aware that this is no excuse; hence, an update. From work, too. *insert evil laugh here*

Well, what to say? October was relatively event-free, actually. I had a birthday, and Hallowe'en has come and gone, as has the first snowfall (and second, and third, for that matter). My skates are sharpened, and I'm eagerly awaiting news that Hawrelak has opened for the season. Other than that, school is school (and I am becoming increasingly disenchanted with it by the hour - never, EVER take six years to complete your post-secondary. It's very frustrating to be my age and still an undergraduate student, with no real career in place, when most of your friends are buying real estate and getting married and, in general, being grown-ups). Work is, well, work. There are several stories I could share about work, both at the Club and at the Bowl, but I'm going to refrain from those for the nonce - what I really need to do is get back in the habit of updating regularly.

As for what else is going on in my life, well, school and work pretty much ARE my life. Trying to get back out there to see more of you wonderful people more often, but it's hard going, so I hope you'll forgive me for my extended absences. I'm almost done school, though, (or so I keep telling myself) so hopefully one day soon you'll all remember what I look like. Until then, though, I promise to start updating! Really! I mean it this time!


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