Saturday, September 30, 2006

Oh Noes.. I've Been MEMED!

Well, I'm amongst the last in this particular chain, I think - but I 'owe' it to a few people. My thanks to Brent and Fi (a.k.a. Mini-Blue), and in Fi's case, sorry for it taking nearly two months to post. For everyone else... will the posting madness continue? Stay tuned!

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a colour that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. If I do this for you, it would be appreciated if you posted this on yours.


Blogger Alannah said...

1. We have remarkably similar tastes in music.
2. My challenge to you: the Sugarbowl is only a few measly blocks north of Happy Harbour. *HINT HINT*
3. Deep forest green.
4. Drat! You beat me to hugs! But (in addition to great hugs) you have a great storyteller's voice (and lots of great stories to tell with it).
5. Calling Stan right after you moved in there, and "meeting" you on the phone.
6. A big, shaggy bear.
7. What is the one, absolutely essential thing that everyone should know about you?

October 01, 2006 11:55 AM

Blogger Alannah said...

For The Arab:

1. Best. Job. Hookups. EVER.
2. Huh. I'm actually stumped on this one. I'll get back to you.
3. Deep grey - the kind that looks black from a distance, but when you get closer has alot of hidden blues and purples in it.
4. I like that you're always, ALWAYS there, no matter what.
5. A long time ago, in a high school cafeteria far, far away...
6. A little bug. No, kidding. Seriously? A badger.
7. What is the one thing you need to accomplish to consider yourself successful?

October 02, 2006 6:19 PM

Blogger Nezbitt said...

*waves from the back*

October 04, 2006 4:54 PM

Blogger Alannah said...

Sorry, Nez! Been a while since I've had a spare minute!

1. You like my bum! *winks* Course, yours is none so bad either....
2. My challenge for you? Um. Hmm. I challenge you... to a chocolate duel!! Mwahahaha!
3. Bright yellow.
4. I like that you're always open and honest, and you never hold anything back.
5. Umm. You know, I can't think of the earliest one? The clearest one is probably when we were over at Stan's and you were admiring the heft of my posterior assets. *grins*
6. Oooh. A kitten. With lots of energy. And lots of mischief.
7. Why don't we ever hang out???

October 12, 2006 6:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA!!!! Now to find out the TRUE things you think of your sister!!!!

I mean, *poke*

October 17, 2006 5:34 PM

Blogger Alannah said...

For Mini-Me:

1. NO.
2. Big Challenge: Try living on your own for a whole, entire year. No roommates. No nothing. Just living by yourself for a whole year, and only letting people crash your place, say, one night a week. Sig. others included.
3. Honestly? Pink. Really bright, borderline garish pink, actually.
4. I like that no matter HOW much/often/intensely we fight, you still let me crash your couch when there's a fire accross the street.
5. That time when you were in the hospital.. you know, the first 2 years of your life...
6. Tough call. I have to think about this one, I'll get back to you.
7. Why can't you EVER take my word for it?

October 28, 2006 11:45 AM

Blogger The Doc said...


November 03, 2006 6:31 AM

Blogger Alannah said...

The Doc:

1. You got me hooked on CSI. Thanks a LOT.
2. Be absolutely, completely entitled for a whole day.
3. Really rich, mellow brown. Like coffee. Or good chocolate. Mmmmm.
4. I like that when you're spending time with someone, you actually devote your attention to them.
5. At the Pigless Roast, when I got cold and you curled up behind me and shared your blanket (and snuggles).
6. An elephant.
7. How long did it actually take you to figure out that I had a truly epic crush on you my first year in choir?

November 08, 2006 1:16 AM

Blogger The Doc said...

2. Entitled? Like how do you mean?
7. A year and a half.

November 09, 2006 6:50 PM

Blogger KojiroMusashi said...

Okay okay, I give....

*ding dong*

February 05, 2007 7:16 PM


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