Thursday, September 07, 2006

I'm Baaa-aaack....

Well, 76 bruises, 39 abrasions, 17 lacerations, 4 sunburns, and more monkey-bar-blisters than I can count later, and it's over. Summer at the playground, that is. I'm done with the park, and they've already hired me back on for next summer - the jury's still out on whether I'll take it or not, I suppose it depends on if I secure a teaching position for next September, but I just might. We'll see, I guess.

The camping trip was great, and in retrospect I'm glad that I ended up going out on my own; it was a much needed respite from involving anyone besides myself in my day-to-day decision making. Despite the weather, which didn't entirely cooperate, I had a fantastic time - so much so, in fact, that I think I might make it an annual occurence.

In other news, September has accomplished its inexorable return, and I find myself once again ensconced in my studies. This term I'm taking everything from Physics to Catholic Catechism, with (of course) a healthy dose of English mixed in. I'm even auditing a course which has as one of its textbooks "Where the Wild Things Are", Maurice Sendak's beloved children's book. Taking Children's Lit is a great way to prevent any student from taking their own University career too seriously. Try writing a five-page critical paper comparing two different versions of Little Red Riding Hood; you'll see what I mean.

At any rate, I fully expect updates to come on a more regular basis from now till December, since I'll be frequently sitting at computers pretending to do homework, and such will need some way to look as though I'm being productive.


Blogger KojiroMusashi said...

With regard to your last comments, I will *also* fully expect more regular updates, since you so readily offered them up.
Plus it'll be nice to have them to look forward to when I'm in a sea of strange faces after I move to Quesnel.

Very glad to hear you enjoyed your outing. However, I AM sorry you were by yourself, as refreshing a change as it may have been. Perhaps next year I should plan a similar journey, and we can pitch tents on parallel lots. But to get you thinking about next year, I have one word: "Queen Charlotte Islands".

Huh?...three words, you say?? *slaps himself* Wake up, man! Need more caffeine to make it through work tonight.


September 07, 2006 11:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

about effin' time you updated, dammit. I was getting bored being the only person blogging it up.

September 09, 2006 4:08 PM


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