Friday, September 29, 2006


What's this you say? Two updates in one week?

That's right, my friend, it's Christmas! Or, at least, Friday afternoon, and I have found that I miraculously have a little bit of free time for some update-y goodness. So now, what to write?

Well, to begin with, the ever-present force in my life: school!! A scant three and a half weeks in, and I've had two papers and a midterm already; term is officially in full swing and won't be slowing down till mid-December. So, good-bye social life. In all fairness, it's ridiculously hard to have a social life at all when one A)works thirty hours a week B) is a full-time student and C) must rely on public transit (grrrrrr.....) it's really hard to have any kind of a social life at all, much less a varied and fulfilling one. I'm kind of bummed out, actually; I had been hoping to rejoin UAMC this year, but due to class commitments (a night class on Wednesday, and yes that was the only time it was offered) I couldn't do it. So, I did the next best thing; I returned to the Catholic Church.

*slams on brakes* What? Where the heck did THAT come from?

Ok, ok, I'll explain; however, evangelizing not being one of my greatest talents (or even something I particularly like) it won't be in any kind of excruciating detail. I've been thinking about returning to the Church since my grandfather passed away in January, and considering that I'm taking some courses through St. Joe's this term, now seemed like a particularly opportune time. And, it also has granted me the opportunity to get involved with the liturgical music with a really fantastic group of people at St. Joe's. So, while I am saddened at being unable to return to UAMC, I am at least getting to sing SOMEWHERE.

In other news, I just started a new job! I am stil working at Conrad's (on 124th street just north of the Roxy Theatre, on Saturdays and Sundays from 11-6; since there have been such an overwhelming number of visitors *cough cough* I thought I'd repost where my first job is at) but as of yesterday I'm also an employee at the Royal Glenora Club. It's going to be a great job, and I'm going to get some new experience. Not that there's anything wrong with customer service, mind you... *cough cough*

Anyways, that's about it for now.... in a startling turn of events, I actually have a vehicle for the evening, so I'm going to get some of that precious socializing in. But stay tuned for (hopefully) more regular updates!


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