Saturday, July 08, 2006

Long Time Coming

Ok, I know this post is woefully late, especially for those of you who read the Ninja's blog also. But, in deference to the Dorklord, I'm updating my blog. (On a side note, Brent, I know it was unconscionable of me to request an update from YOU and then be so tardy in one of my own. But, I've been busy. Read on to find out why!)

I've started my summer job. IT'S AWESOME! I'm working in a drop-in program for kids age 6-12, and we get to have so much fun every single day. It's been tough this week because it was so bloody hot, and it's going to be hot for a while yet, but that's ok becuase I do have access to water fountains and bathrooms at the park I'm posted at. So, it's all to the good.

A summer job like this one, however, requires certain adjustments to one's wardrobe. I haven't spent large amounts of time outside during the summer in several years, so I had to go buy some shoes. I spent a bit more than was probably prudent, but I consider shoes a long term investment. So, shoes: check. Next, I needed some shorts. I hate shorts. I am aware that actually wearing shorts would get me a tan, which would do a great deal to lessen my hatred of my legs, but it's a vicious cycle. So I picked up some boy's knee-length surf shorts, which (as it turns out) were perfect on several counts: they weren't so short that I really, really hated them, they're technically swimming shorts so they're lightweight and fast drying, AND they have cargo pockets so I can carry my phone and keys and bandaids with meat all times. So they turned out to be an excellent buy.

And then I had to buy a sports bra.

Now, I hate shopping in general. When I'm shopping for somebody else, at least it's kind of fun to look at things and try to imagine that person's face as they open up the... whatever it is I've bought them. That's fun. But shopping for myself is just a chore - I'm VERY picky, I know exactly what I like, and it makes me a difficult customer. Ask anybody who's been shopping with me. As a result, I tend to view shopping for myself with no small amount of dread. And my experience trying to find a sports bra is a perfect example of why.

First, the assumption seems to be that nobody with a cup size above B even wears sports bras. Actually, that's a fairly reasonable assumption - running, even with a sports bra, is an extremely awkward and painful endeavour for those of us who are considered 'well-endowed'. Nonetheless, the 'regular' type of sports bras are NOT meant for girls of my size. So I had to look at the 'specialty' sports bras (read: expensive) that actually have different cup sizes. And, of course, there were very few in my size even available. Actually, at first (and second) look through, there were NONE. Apparently, the marketing people for these things feel that it's a good idea to put all the big sizes on the very, very bottom of the shelves. Now, I may be biased here, but it seems to me that it would be a good idea to, oh, I dunno, not make the girls with boobs so big they have back problems bend over to look for a bra!

Anyways, I did eventually find one (that I had to shorten the straps on, since sports bras don't have adjustable straps and apparently if you have big boobs they MUST also be saggy) and, thankfully, my shopping trip came to an end. And my job rocks, and my kids are great, and I'm very, VERY tired since I don't get another day off till Aug. 28th. But, I will endeavour to update at least semi-regularly between now and then.

Better, Brent? Do you forgive me?


Blogger Brent said...

I retract my Harrumph. Discussing bras was a particularilly cunning way to gain my forgiveness. And I was interested to hear that they sell "bandaids with meat" now; must have something to do with protein speeding the healing process?

Your job sounds great, Blue, and I wish you well with it. Don't be a stranger, 'kay? Send me your email addy, and I'll send you the invite to my Bday party in a couple of weeks.


July 09, 2006 7:20 AM

Blogger Alannah said...

Har-dee-har-har, Brent. I missed a space bar. Will edit soon. And the Ninja has my email/phone etc., or else I will get YOUR email from him, so that I won't have to, you know, post stuff like that up here. Can't wait for the birthday hijinx!

July 09, 2006 10:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

see, the sun is good for you.

July 09, 2006 10:04 PM

Blogger Brent said...

Hey, lady! I don't seem to have your email anywhere. My Bday party is this Saturday at my house. Contact Stan for details. I'd better see you there!



July 19, 2006 8:27 PM


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