Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hurryhurryhurryhurryhurry..... Wait.

Hurry up and wait has pretty much been the pattern of my life these past few weeks. I have been very slowly re-aquainting myself with the Edmonton public transit system, a long, arduous, and painful process. The bus system here is actually pretty good, unless you live where I live - in the heart of suburbia, south of West Edmonton Mall, where only one bus comes through the service area. And never, EVER on time. It's been pretty frustrating, but it's certainly done wonders for my grades - my Children's Lit class wraps up tomorrow and I just got my second essay back with a moderately ok mark. Such is the effect of long periods of enforced stasis, while waiting for the bus to go absolutely everywhere else in the city before arriving where I need to be.

But, I'm going to truncate this post because I've just gotten a ride offer, and, as you might be able to guess, I'm not about to turn down one of those!


Blogger Brent said...

Okay, so after bugging me to update my blog, you have the audacity to leave your blog sit this long?

Harrumph, I say! A most emphatical harrumph, madam!


July 08, 2006 10:15 AM


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