Saturday, May 13, 2006


I've been neglecting this woefully in the last few days, largely because it is the beginning of another new term (no, I really don't take any time off from school, ever) and I'm just settling in to my new schedule. So, a quick look at what's been going on for me lately:


As mentioned, it is the beginning of a new term for me. I'm only taking one class this spring, but it is one I've been wanting to take for three years, ever since I first heard of its existance. The course is Oral Traditions in Children's Literature, and for anybody who thinks that a Children's Lit course would be insultingly easy, I challenge you to write a five-page critical analysis essay comparing the original Three Little Pigs to a contemporary adaption of same. It's not that easy, believe you me. But, regardless, I've been looking forward to this class for a very long time, and after one week I can quite confidently say it seems to be living up to my admittedly high expectations.


Last night, the Edmonton Oilers came back twice from a two-goal deficit to win against the Sharks and tie the series, which two scant games ago was 2-0 in favour of San Jose. I'll refrain from waxing loquacious for the nonce, but suffice it to say that Whyte Avenue was rather a bit lively last night (which was in fact Friday night, despite when this post will actually go up).


Well, usually there's not much interesting going on here. But, as evidenced by the fact that I started this entry at six yesterday evening, and am only now able to finish it, things have been afoot at the Bowl. Last night (Saturday night) the we here at the Bowl hosted our first-ever LAN party. There were a few bumps and smallish problems, as is wont to happen with any first, but overall, it went quite smoothly. Not quite as remunerative as we'd hoped, at least for the restaurant side of things, but hopefully, there will be another one, and next time we'll be a little bit more prepared. However, I am currently at work (having started my regular Sunday shift a scant eight hours after bidding adieu to the gamers), and I ought to get back to it.


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