Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Procrastination 'r' Us

Well, me anyways. I'm currently very deliberately NOT doing the monster project that is due *gack* TOMORROW, mostly because it's very, very frustrating. Note: Anyone who knows more than I do about the intricacies of WebCT, feel free to post helful hints in the comments!) But, also, something kind of neat happened last night (while I was also not working on this project).

I've moved around rather a great deal in my life, although thankfully the last few moves have all been at least within the same city. As often happens with such moves, though, I've frequently lost touch with people I care about. So, imagine my surprise when yesterday I got an email from a friend of mine from fifteen years ago. We were completely inseparable as little kids until I moved south (and yes, Edmonton really is south for some of us). Now, we've already got plans to get together sometime over the summer. The intarwub is such a wonderful thing, n'est-ce pas?

In other news, the 'holiday' which we have all supposedly just experienced appears to have hardly been restful for most of us. I found myself entertaining 25 of my closest family members all weekend, most everybody I know is studying like mad for finals (whose bright idea was it to have finals during a family-type holiday anyways?) and Ninja has been pulling Gods-awful shifts at work. Oh well, May Long Weekend is just around the corner, and for anybody who didn't already know it, yes, I am a geek. This is what I'm planning to do, because one of my favourite authors will be there.

Hmm. Well, I suppose I should get back to work *grumbles*. Oh well.

See you all after exam madness has passed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the people offering to house us that weekend are super cool - and they live less than a 20 min walk from the place it's being held!! (no parking at keycon - teh lame)OH! and Nancy, the female half of the couple, was actually in the process of looking for someone to go with her since her boyfriend can't go...see? it works.

April 24, 2006 4:49 PM


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