Saturday, May 22, 2010

2WW, and other strange acronyms.

So, over the past few days I've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and decided to head on over to a forum for infertility and trying to conceive. It's like a whole different language, all broken down into 2- , 3-, or 4-letter abbreviations, partly for speed of typing (after all, how many times can you type Intra-Uterine Insemination in a minute?) and partly, I think, to make it easier to talk about some pretty personal stuff of the eeewww yuck variety (egg white cervical mucus, anyone?). The official term for this dead space that I'm in right now is called the 2WW or 2-week-wait, also known as the LP or luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. I confess, I'm kind of lying on the forums - didn't really 'fess up that DH (darling hubby) has no interest in TTC (trying to conceive) - I'm just taking advantage of his laziness, really, because he can't be bothered to get up and put on a prophylactic, and he knows that I'm not on BCP (birth control pills) and that my AF (aunt flo) has been back for 7 months, despite BF (breastfeeding) on demand. What he DOESN'T know is that I had a positive OPK test (Ovulation Predictor Kit) a few hours before the last time we DTD (did the deed) and am now 4DPO (days past ovulation). I wasn't charting my BBT (basal body temperature) or my CM (cervical mucus), so I can't actually be sure I O'd - but given that it's the first time I had a LH (luteinizing hormone) surge since the return of my AF, I'm pretty sure I was. Now, just hoping for a BFP (big fat positive) at the end of my 2WW.


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