Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nowhere Else to Turn...

Wow, this is really turning into an infertility blog. Huh. Things I never thought I'd do, number four hundred and seventeen.

Anyways, with nowhere else to write about it, I thought I'd put it down here. Had a positive OPK yesterday, and an attempt has been made... I'm now in the midst of what will likely feel like the longest 12 days of my life up to this point. I figure that I should know one way or the other by the 31st, despite the irregularity of my cycles; the HPT's that I have tout themselves as being accurate as little as 8 DPO, so here's hoping. Right now I'm on CD 18, so that's pretty close to where I would have ovulated prior to my son's birth. I've read that it's possible to have a positive LH test and not actually ovulate, though; I have no idea how common that actually is, but it's kind of starting to feel like that would be my luck. Except that the stars all aligned yesterday to make this TTC attempt possible, so I'm cautiously hopeful... Please, please pray for me!


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