Secondary Infertility, I Think...
So, after six months of trying, I didn't get pregnant. So I spent a small fortune on OPK's... and it begins to look like I can't get pregnant. My plans for closely-spaced children are disappearing with every day that goes by without ovulating. I'm beginning to understand all of those women who write infertility blogs, who write about being betrayed by their bodies. And the biggest disappointment about all this is that I don't really have a partner on board; my son's father, while not actively trying to prevent me from getting pregnant, isn't particularly eager to help me get there either. Meaning that any of the more aggressive treatments - IVF, IUI - are out of the question. So I just keep checking for that second line on the tests, hoping that if it ever does show up I'll be able to talk my husband into making an attempt less than 36 hours later... And in the meantime, I just continue on with failing at womanhood.