Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Week of Not Much

Well, as you may have guessed, not a whole heck of a lot has happened in the last week. It's really been pretty dull, actually - which, while refreshing at times, doesn't make for particularly interesting blogging. The remainder of the Cold Lake trip was uneventful, so much so that despite a total of 8 hours spent standing on frozen lakes in wind chills of -30 degrees, I caught exactly no fish. The trip home was quiet, with no repeats of my previous highway antics as there was a great deal of blowing snow. Pics of The Biggest Mushroom in the World are forthcoming, and as an added bonus I also stopped in Glendon and snapped one of the Giant Pyrogy. But I really didn't do much over the weekend; hung out with the Ninja and watched The Imposters, which was teh awesome, and then hung out with one of my best and oldest friends, Paul, and played Need for Speed on his ginormous television. Spent Sunday night back at the Ninja's place, watching Arrested Development with him and Jago, and then had the least productive Monday on record, lending my brother (who, for assorted legal and beaurocratic reasons, is unable to drive a car for the time being) a hand with his errands, an act for which I was rewarded by being invited to partake of dinner and a CSI marathon.

Today was a little bit more special, since it wa the first day back to classes. I had somehow gotten it lodged in my head that my midterm this week was on Thursday - I am eternally grateful that most of my morning classmates are also in my evening class, as they were able to relieve me of that misunderstanding and inform me that the test was, in fact, TODAY. So that's what I did this evening: wrote an exam with literally almost NO PREPARATION WHATSOEVER. I haven't done that since the second year of my first degree. Still, the course is *gag* an introductory computing course, also known as Microsoft Office for Dummies. It's pretty lame, so I don't think it was all that detrimental for me to have written that exam without having actually studied. Or read the notes. Or the textbook. Or attended the bulk of the lectures. Hmmm. Maybe I should brush up on my scholastic habits for the final.

But for now, my Ninja boyfriend has invited me out for post-exam mussels at one of his favourite haunts, so I'll bid my adoring fans a good evening.


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